Counter-Culture Series Pt6: Peacemakers - Following the Path of the Ultimate King
March 24, 2024 | Palm Sunday
In the 12th installment of our "Counter Culture" series, we celebrate Palm Sunday by reflecting on the ultimate Peacemaker, Jesus Christ. As we explore Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God,” we see how Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem wasn’t just a moment of celebration—it was a mission of peace.
Jesus: The Ultimate Peacemaker
Palm Sunday marks Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as a humble King riding on a donkey, fulfilling prophecy and stirring hope among the people. They wanted an earthly king to free them from Roman rule, but what they truly needed was a heavenly King to free them from sin. Jesus’ mission as a Peacemaker went beyond political liberation—He came to reconcile humanity to God.
The Ministry of Reconciliation
Jesus made peace through His sacrifice, reconciling us to God (2 Corinthians 5:18). As His followers, we are called to be peacemakers in our own lives, running toward chaos and doing the hard work of making peace between others. True peacemaking often challenges people’s desires and opinions, but it brings them what they need—God’s truth and reconciliation.
Closing Thoughts: Sharing the Peace of Christ
As we continue in this "Counter Culture" journey, let us follow Christ’s example by being true peacemakers. Let’s seek to bring peace, not by avoiding conflict, but by running toward it with truth and grace. As ambassadors of Christ, we are called to share the peace that only He can give, pointing others to reconciliation with God.